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Article by Khadijah Chapman
Gin stand for Global Information Network which is a Powerful Ally – Business – Entrepreneurship
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GIN is an acronym that stands for Global Information Network. It is a powerful community of wealthy minded
individuals who came together to help share their tools and resources for those who really want to have
wealth and success in their lives. It is a private membership with a free affiliate membership that includes
limited access to many of their tools and resources, however there are a ton of perks for those who
understand the value of becoming a paid member.
Their ‘network’ really intrigues me, more so for the access one has to other very successful members who are
committed to helping others members first actually create wealth in thier own life. It is my goal to give
more information as I go through their membership.
I have consitently maintained that in order to have wealth, you must learn how to create ‘it’ for yourself,
however for the common person that battle cry may seem likea huge obstacle never to be successfully passed
through without knowing the how… or the steps one need to take to actually create wealth.
Theory is one thing, however putting an idea into motion is quite another. And too many times we are given
great ideas and theories, however the real magic happens when you are given the ‘how’! Without the how its
merely a heap of great sounding words.
A membershp based network like GIN that gives access, would be a crucial key to helping those who are ready
to receive the help they need to take their life to the next level on every aspect of life, not just
financially. Most people really just want peace and happiness more than money. In any event, their is a
saying that says, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If you believe in attraction
marketing, then know that it is no accident that you are reading these words, and the next move is yours.
We have all heard that in order to be successful, first you have to do what successful people do; and second
you have to have a circle who understands that your thoughts and your words will dictate your life.
Unfortunatley, most people do not have the tools and the resources needed to deal with the day to day
negative aspects of life and all the crap that happens just before the miracle happens Which is why so many
people never make it to the top of their Mount Everest.
The difference between those that are wealthy opposed to those that are not are the tools and resources that
are used. Kevin Trudeau, the author of Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About and a co-founder of
GIN – Global Information Netowork, a few years ago was sentenced to a 5 year prison term and given a 3
million fine.
He appealed the case, and the judge denied the appeal and increasaed the fine to $ 35 million. His attorney
was very apologetic and Kevin said to him, “please don’t aplogize, everything that happend to me, did so for
my greater good”.
Kevin mindset about this horrific mis-justice continued to be very optimistic that everything would work out
for his greater good, and it did. The case was appealed to an even higher court, and the entire verdict was
overturned and thrown out. Many of us, would have been upset and our energy or our mindset around the ‘event
would have kept us fighting, instead of winning. And that is a serious game changer.
If you want to discoverhow to take your life to the next
level of success and wealth, click here for an overview of
how to connect with individuals who have mastered wealth. Khadijah Chapman understands that in order to have
wealth you must first learn how to create it, and by adding GIN to your life, that would be a phenomenal
Your Partner in Success,
Khadijah Chapman
About the Author
I am an internet marketer who enjoys helping people understand how to make money online using free techniques. Living life on your own terms is the best way to live.
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Khadijah Chapman
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I am an internet marketer who enjoys helping people understand how to make money online using free techniques. Living life on your own terms is the best way to live.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
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