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6 Juicing Information Lessons for Beginners


If you are looking for juicing information you are either contemplating purchasing a juicing machine or you have recently purchased one. Regardless of where you are in the process the good news is that you are headed in the right direction. Once you have made a decision to make juicing a part of your life you have made one of the most important decisions that you have ever made.

Since you are probably at the beginning of the juicing experience I wanted take a little time to share our story because it may well be similar to where you are right now. In the process I will share some of the important lessons that we learned about juicing along the way.

Lesson 1- Too much juicing can cause severe intestinal distress.

Our (me and my wife) adventure in juicing actually began with one of those “only available on TV” offers. And within a few days our brand new “juicer” arrived and we began juicing everything in sight. It didn’t take long to discover that our internal systems are not ready for the sudden introduction of a high percentage of fresh fruits and vegetables. In order to avoid this sudden intestinal distress go at it easy at first.

Veggie juicing is rougher on the system than fruit juicing. So begin with fruit juicing and gradually add in vegetable combinations. Fruit juicing is also more pleasing to the palate (at least from my perspective.)

Lesson 2- Juicing boosts energy and helps you to feel better almost instantly.

With that first lesson under our belts (so to speak) we proceeded to try the recipes that came with our juicing machine. That’s when the magic began to happen. Almost instantly we experienced more energy and felt better.

Lesson 3- It is easy to lose interest in juicing.

Despite the fact that we were juicing we didn’t really understand what we were doing. There is so much more to juicing then just following the recipes. Unfortunately, after a few weeks we lost interest. My wife said that the preparation, and in particular, the cleaning of the device was too much trouble.

Then a friend recommended a high-end blender so…we bought one which resulted in the juicer being tucked away on a shelf.

Our intentions were good. What we really wanted to accomplish was to tap into the powerful nutrition benefits of raw foods. Both of us had experienced some health problems that could be brought under control by the addition of more fresh fruits and vegetables into our diets.

Lesson 4- Blenders and juicers are two completely different devices.

We thought (and we were wrong) that a blender was good substitute for juicing. Cleanup was, in fact, easier. But, as we quickly learned, blending and juicing are not the same.

The primary difference between the two devices is that blenders grind and turn food materials to mush. Juicers extract juice from fresh produce. Admittedly, both devices have their place and you can use both for accessing the healthy nutrients in raw foods. Continue to use your blender for healthy smoothies and fresh produce recipes that require blending.

It didn’t take us long to realize that blenders and juicers are totally different devices with differing functions. As a result the juicer was removed from the shelf and put back into service. The benefits outweighed the hassle of preparation and cleaning.

Lesson #5- To maintain interest in juicing you must learn more than how. You must learn why and what to juice.

Without question, juicing recipes are helpful for getting you started. But to really get into the power of juicing you will benefit greatly from studying and learning as much as possible about nutrients, what they do for the body, and then which fruits and vegetables provide the nutrients your body needs.

When you become armed with good information on the sources of nutrients and their benefits you can concoct powerful juicing recipes that are targeted to your specific concerns. Once armed with good information creating your own recipes couldn’t be easier.

Lesson #6- Juicing should be a pleasurable experience.

For juicing to be pleasurable add ingredients that pack a powerful punch of good taste. For example, earlier today my wife juiced wheatgrass and kale. Wheatgrass is one of the most nutrient packed foods you can juice but…it tastes awful. Fortunately kale, also rich in nutrients, doesn’t really affect taste when combined with other ingredients. Too mask the unpleasant taste of the wheatgrass my wife also combined a fresh pear. Not only was the drink incredibly healthy…it was also delicious.

Apples, pears, carrots, and pineapple are among my favorites for adding good flavor to combinations that taste bad. In time you will discover your favorites. Just remember…if you are going to stick with juicing, as you should, then you will want flavor combinations that taste good.

As we have learned, the more you get into juicing the better it becomes. The health benefits are truly amazing. In time you can even get off many of the pharmaceuticals that you now think you couldn’t possibly do without.

If you really want to do something positive about juicing arm yourself with all the juicing information you can find. They don’t call it “power juicing” for nothing.

Richard Weirich is a juicing expert. For more great information on JuicingPro, visit http://www.juicingpro.com.

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